Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 6 July 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair) JE Coston (for items 15, 19 & 21 to
           the end - apologies for lateness)  R Day  DJ Lee  IF May
           CF Nunn (from 321/98) PK Oldham  J Sandford    HM Smith
           SJ Snaith  RT Summerfield LC Twinn   EY Wakeling
           and the clerk SJ Daniels.

       1.  Apologies for Absence RJ Farrington  J Shaw

303/98 2.  Land rear of Conder Close
           Mr A Ozakpinar attended to outline his request to acquire
           through purchase or lease part of the open space land to
           the rear of his property and the reasons for doing so.
           Residents of twenty houses in total (Butcher Conder Garner
           and Lander Close) were in favour of the scheme in principle.
           Two main issues for the residents were security and excessive
           weed growth. Council were taking legal advice. A considered
           decision would be taken at the September meeting.
           IFM declared an interest.
           Thanks to Mr Ozakpinar.

304/98 3.  Minutes
           Minutes of the meetings of 1 and 15 June 1998 were confirmed
           and signed as a true record.

       4.  Matters Arising
305/98     Parking - Church Lane
(347/97)   PKO reported that a parking bar had been painted outside
           2 and 4 Church Lane.

306/98     Appeal - Mr R Boyd
(72/98)    Noted that Mr Boyd had appealed against refusal of permission
           for a bungalow behind 6 High Street.

307/98     Appeal - Cambs County Council
(94/98)    Noted that the County Council had appealed against refusal
           of permission for a dwelling in Coles Road (former library site).

308/98     Appeal - Mr DJ Taylor
(161/98)   The inspector had allowed the appeal by Mr Taylor for a
           pre-school day nursery at 4 Coles Road.
           Conditions:- the nursery to be open Mondays - Fridays
           between 08.00 and 18.00 only;  children to be 5 years or
           under; the forecourt to be kept free for parking of staff cars.

309/98     Salaries
(186/98)   As from 1/4/98 the new scales were:-
           Litter Picker £4.42 per hour;
           Community Care Warden £ 5.42 per hour;
           Clerk £7.26 per hour.

310/98     Police Local Consultation Group
(219/98)   Noted that a meeting was held on 1 July.

311/98     Rowing Trust
(230/98)   Minutes of the Board meeting of 4 June were received and
           noted. HMS reported that revised plans were expected soon.

312/98     Cycling Facilities
(231/98)   J Richards hoped to have something to report by the end of July.

313/98     Embankment Slip
(232/98)   Remedial works should be carried out shortly (Highways Agency).

314/98     Parking of Vehicles
(233/98)   The chairman and clerk had visited the Norman Industrial Estate.
           They generally received a positive response.

315/98     Central Refuges
(256/98)   Noted that the southern bollards had been demolished and that
           the island was crumbling. County Council had been informed.

316/98     Farm College
(257/98)   Final ratification for the merger from the Secretary of State
           for Education was being awaited.
           HMS reminded Council that part of the old Landbeach Road should
           be made available for a right of way/cycle lane.

317/98     AWA Sewer
(258/98)   Copy of D Ward's letter to AWA's land Agent was received and noted.

318/98     Cemetery Hedge
(259/98)   Noted that Mr Rees did not wish to attend a site meeting.

319/98     A10
(262/98)   The 'accidents' study had been given high priority.  In the
           meantime work to improve the Butt Lane junction was being
           carried out.

320/98 5.  Standing Orders Contracts
(210/98)   Proposed JS seconded RD that the  Standing Orders ref 1.
           Contracts dated July 1998 be adopted with minor amendments
           to 1 (iv), 8 and 9 (ii).  Agreed unanimously.

321/98 6.  Play Area Quotations
           Proposed HMS seconded EYW and agreed by all that the
           following quotations be accepted:-
(298/98)   a)  Herald Contract Services' quotation of £625 + VAT for
               25 cubic metres of woodchip;
           b)  Playdale's quotation of £1200 + VAT for installing a
               safety surface under the Honeycombe Whirl;
(300/98)   c)  P Whiterod's quotation of £581 for extending the fence
               at the Rowans play area;
           d)  P Whiterod's quotation of £85 for re-setting 5 a side
               goalposts at Froment Way.
           Quotations for repairing seat £68, slide £21 and path £œ40 at
           Coles Road Recreation Ground referred to MCC for approval.

322/98 7.  Youth Committee
           Numbers attending youth club had risen. Response to the bus
           project was still positive. It had been agreed that the
           committee meet 3/4 times per year. It was intended to meet in
           September to develop a three year plan.

343/98 8.  Cemetery
(259/98)   Proposed RD seconded JS and agreed by all that the following
           quotations from P Whiterod be accepted with the amendment
           that the right hand pier be re-pointed to match the left:-
            to paint fence railings and gates £300;
            to repair and re-set right hand gate £190;
            to remove bricks, clean, rebuild as existing and repair
            top hinge of left hand pier £635;  new concrete base £385.

344/98 9.  Allotment Pump
(265/98)   As no reply had been received from the Environment Agency
           it was agreed to adjourn this matter.

345/98 10. Internet
(264/98)   Confirmed that HM Smith's document on "minutes on the
           internet" was discussed. RLEW referred members to the
           previous meeting where Council agreed to publish the minutes
           on the internet.

346/98 11. Computer Upgrade
(264/98)   Proposed RD seconded PKO and agreed unanimously that
           Council accept World of Computers quotation of £878.75 +
           VAT for a new computer. It was proposed that the present
           computer be sold - PKO to value.

       12. Planning
           Decisions Received
347/98     Bard Pharmaceuticals Science Park exhaust stack - approved.

348/98     Mr PU Patel 32 Sutton Close extension - approved.
(273/98)   Landing window to be glazed with obscure glass.

349/98     Mr & Mrs N Robinson 1 Pryor Close extension - approved.
(274/98)   Permanent space to be reserved on site for parking for 3 cars.

350/98     P Runham 49 Fen Road car port - approved.

351/98     Mr B & Mrs S Heath 8 Goding Way extensions and garage - approved.

           New Applications
352/98     Bridehall Developments Ltd Block 4 Science Park amendments
           to car parking bays - (196/98) for information only.

353/98     S/1465/97 Carequest 44 High Street minor amendments to velux
           roof light - (118/98) for information only.

354/98     S/1021/98 Mr & Mrs C Sandford 21 Old School Lane first floor
           extension and porch. JS declared an interest. No comments.

355/98     S/1066/98 Bridehall Group Ltd  St John's Innovation Park -
           of a for new building 3289 sq m gross for research and
           development together with car parking spaces.
           Concerned that the ratio of buildings to the total area
           was still 12 and a half per cent.

356/98 13. Money Received and Bills for Payment
           Proposed JS seconded DJL and agreed unanimously that the
           following bills be authorised:-  current a/c - cheque 1304
           to 1328; current no '2' a/c - cheque 32.

357/98 14. Accounts 1997/98
           Proposed JS seconded EYW and agreed by all that the accounts
           for 1997/98 be accepted and signed.

358/98 15. Millennium Report
           JEC reported on the recent committee meeting.  RD suggested
           that trees could be planted on embankments between The
           Sycamores recreation ground and the slip road. Noted that
           the County Council thought the millennium green (157/98) a
           good idea in principle. I Cowley had submitted a grant
           application to the Millennium Commission.

359/98 16. Sheltered Housing
(281/98)   Noted that Mr Rogers of Rogers Dare & Associates was still
           negotiating his parking rights with CHS.
           Proposed RD seconded HMS and agreed by all to send a letter
           of intent to SCDC that Council could meet the requirements
           of the Sports Council namely "to research the detailed needs
           of the parish for outdoor sports provision for the foreseeable
           future, nd commit itself to use sufficient of the proceeds
           of the sale of the land to meet these reasonable needs".

360/98 17. MCC Lease
(287/98)   Proposed RTS seconded RD and agreed by all that Council
           approve the resolution:-
            that the form of lease produced to the meeting of 15 June
            1998 as amended and subject to clarification of Section 36
            of the Charities Act 1993 be executed on behalf of the new
           (Restrictions on dispositions of charity land have been
           introduced for the protection of the Charity. Sub section
           9 allows the Charity to make certain dispositions without
           needing any special consents or having to follow any
           particular procedures).  The solicitor had been advised to make
           amendments as proposed.  MCC wished to amend section 4.8 -

361/98 18. Roundabout
           N Godden had requested permission to maintain the roundabout
           near Tesco in return for sponsorship. Agreed to ask Mr Godden
           for more details and to check the requirements of the Highway

362/98 19. Mobile Phone for PC Shulver
           JEC was asking local Parish Councils in PC Shulver's patch to
           make a contribution of £25 - £30 towards the rental of a mobile
           phone for him.
           JEC proposed and IFM seconded that Council make a contribution.
           Carried by 7 votes to 5 with one abstention.

363/98 20. Crime Update
           Crime figures were circulated. Figures for June showed an
           increase over June 1997. Two trees and a seat on Froment Way
           were vandalised on 30/6/98. Herald Contract services had quoted
           £48 + VAT for replacing the trees. The seat to be repaired if
           possible.  If not a replacement metal seat to be ordered.

           Travellers had moved on to the Sycamores recreation ground car
           park. RLEW was negotiating their departure with them.
           RTS proposed RD seconded and all agreed that Council grant the
           chairman and clerk permission to take whatever legal powers
           necessary to remove the travellers from the car park.
           Agreed to obtain a quote for putting a barrier at the entrance.

364/98 21. County Councillor's Report
           A resident had requested that the boundary along the
           recreation ground and Recreation Close be cut. The clerk had
           already arranged for this to be done.

365/98 22. District Councillor's Report
           Thanks to the efforts of a neighbour SCDC were likely to serve
           a "Litter Control Notice" on Dillons who had 21 days to make
           representations before the notice is served. SCDC had also
           served an enforcement notice on Dillons to remove the
           unauthorised storage container at the rear of the premises.
           The EHO was dealing with the air conditioning at Dillons
           which was causing nuisance to the upstairs flat. RTS was now
           chairman of SCDC Finance Committee.

366/98 23. Correspondence
           Cambs County Council's Corporate Plan (being circulated -
             comments at September meeting);
           application to transfer justices' licence at Tesco - noted
             that a new manager, David Sally,  had been appointed;
           Community Mediation Service;
           Holt Fen Bridge official opening;
           Cambs Local Policing Plan 1998/9 (summary circulated);

           Campaign for warm homes bill.  PKO proposed and EYW seconded
           that Council pass a resolution to support the Warm Homes Bill.
           Carried with one abstention.

The meeting ended 10.25pm.