Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 1 June 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters   (chair)   RJ Farrington   R Day    DJ Lee
           CF Nunn  (from 257/98)     PK Oldham     J Sandford
           HM Smith   SJ Snaith   RT Summerfield  LC Twinn
           EY Wakeling and the clerk SJ Daniels.

       1.  Apologies for Absence  JE Coston  IF May J Shaw

251/98 2.  Minutes
           Minute 244/98 was amended to read " ...agreed that the
           clerk's computer should be updated and that the Parish
           Council should be on the Internet and have an E-Mail
           address." The minutes of the meeting of 11 May were then
           confirmed and signed as a true record.

       3.  Matters Arising

252/98     Cambridgeshire Capacity Study
(108/98)   A copy of SCDC's response to the County Council's Capacity
           Study was received. Noted that the public consultation
           carried out within South Cambridgeshire had confirmed the
           District Council's preferences:-
           First preference Option 1 - Minimum Growth
           Second preference Option 2 - Urban Concentration
               Distributed across County.

253/98     Maintenance - Trees
(167/98)   SJS and the clerk had met with John Hellingsworth Trees
           Officer SCDC at The Sycamores Recreation Ground. He
           recommended the planting of some new shrubs and minimal
           thinning of trees.

254/98     Pitched Roof - 38 Butt Lane
(202/98)   Noted that the Planning Officer was recommending approval.

255/98     Youth Provision
(207/98)   DJL to arrange a Youth Committee meeting together with A Allen.

256/98     Central Refuges
(220/98)   J Pinder Area Lighting Engineer was dealing with the problems.
           A new central column was due to be installed.

257/98     Farm College
(225/98)   RLEW and the clerk had met with the Farm College and County
           Council officials at the old Landbeach Road. (See also 152/98).
           The Farm College were interested in acquiring the old Landbeach
           Road and were making inquiries as to the ownership of the
           parcel of land between Landbeach Road/Humphries Way and the
           A10 bypass.

258/98     AWA Sewer
(228/98)   RLEW and RJF were not happy with the quality of the re-seeding
           work.  D Ward was pursuing the matter.

259/98     Cemetery
(229/98)   Meeting with Mr Rees still to be arranged.  Cemetery Committee
           meeting to be arranged to look at the gate and railings.

260/98     A10/A14 Interchange
(232/98)   As the traffic lights were still not working full time JEC to
           be asked to pursue.

262/98     A10 Junctions
(235/98)   Noted that the clerk had written again to the Highways Agency
           after the recent accidents at the Butt Lane junction.

263/98     War Memorial
(240/98)   Noted that the District Valuer's fees of £160 were in
           addition to the Treasury Solicitor's costs of £300.

264/98     Internet
(244/98)   Noted that the County Council were able to help with the
           E-mail.  PKO to provide costs for upgrading the computer in
           readiness for the July meeting.

265/98     Allotments - Pump
(246/98)   CFN had been in contact with the Environment Agency.  The
           minimum charge for a licence was £110 plus £25 annual fee.
           The Environment Agency were consulting their legal department
           to see if this fee could be waived.

       4.  Planning
266/98     Phase 5 Science Park  - Additional car parking - approved.
           Landscaping (141/98) scheme to be approved.

267/98     Mr and Mrs R Twinn 22 Willow Crescent - Porch - approved.
(142/98)   Standard Conditions.

268/98     Uunet Science Park - 3 Flagpoles - approved.

269/98     Uunet Science Park - Parking area - approved.

270/98     Bard Pharmaceuticals Science Park - 1 metre high flue stack -
(201/98)   approved.

271/98     Mr A MacPherson 88 Butt Lane - Extension - refused.
(236/98)   Would result in a building mass projecting well forward of
           the adjacent property 86 Butt Lane. The occupants of 86 Butt
           Lane would suffer loss of amenity through a reduction of
           natural light and sunlight. The proximity of the extension would
           appear oppressive when viewed from no 86.

           New Applications
272/98     S/0543/98  D Pask 3 High Street Amendment. For information only.
(200/98)   Reduction in height and repositioning of garage and resiting
           of boundary fence.

27398      S/0752/98  Mr PU Patel 32 Sutton Close - First Floor Extension.
           No comments.

274/98     S/0826/98  Mr and Mrs N Robinson 1 Pryor Close - Extension to
           provide garage, dining room, bedroom and bathroom.  No comments.

275/98     S/0840/98  Mr P Runham 49 Fen Road - Carport to side of existing
           house. No comments.

276/98     S/0849/98  Mr B and Mrs S Heath 8 Goding Way - Erection of single
           storey and two storey extensions; demolition and rebuilding of
           garage; minor internal alterations.  No comments.

277/98     S/0865/98  C and A Brooklyn Unit 1 Fen Road Chesterton-Change
           of business use from Vehicle Body Repair Workshop to Storage
           Facilities for document archiving/storage.  No comments.

278/98     S/0882/98  Amgen Limited 240 Science Park - Company sign.
           No objections.

279/98 5.  Money Received and Bills for Payment
           Proposed DJL Seconded EYW and all agreed that the following
           payments be authorised: (See attached sheet)
            Cheque 31 Current Account No 2 and Cheques 1295 to 1302.
            Noted that £25 Community Care fees had been received and
            banked on 22 April.

280/98 6.  MCC Constitution
(241/98)   RLEW the clerk and the chairman of MCC had met with the
           solicitor to discuss the draft Lease. It was agreed to call a
           Special Meeting on Monday 15 June at 8pm to discuss the
           second draft - to be followed by a Planning Meeting (in place
           June Planning Meeting).  Noted that the MCC Annual General
           Meeting was set for 17 June.

281/98 7.  Sheltered Housing
(238/98)   RLEW to arrange a meeting with CHS and SCDC for an update.
           Agreed to ask CHS to fence off their land.

282/98 8.  Rowing Facilities - The Millennium Cut
           A proposal for a "Millennium Cut" for rowers had been
           circulated.  RJF proposed and PKO seconded that Council were
           unable to give its support to this proposal at this stage as
           all its efforts were directed to obtaining a foot/cycle
           bridge over the A14 Carried with one abstention. RD thought
           that there was some merit in the proposal for a rowing cut.

283/98 9.  Crime Update
           There were 12 reported crimes in May thus continuing the
           downward trend.

284/98 10. County Councillor's Report

285/98 11. District Councillor's Report
           The Country Park Management Committee were due to meet on
           4 June. The Committee intended to apply to Enventure
           Southern for funds towards 30 metres of boardwalk in
           Tomkins Mead.

286/98 12. Correspondence
           Resident Sutton Close - Concerned about dumping of rubbish
               on the open space adjacent to the bund. The clerk had
               recently written to all residents backing on to the bund.
               PKO felt that there was little evidence of dumping at present.
           CALC Bulletin
           Cambridgeshire County Council - Copy of Code of Practice
               for Parish Councils wishing to attend Committee Meetings.
           Cambridge Green Belt Project - Concerning Mere Way public byway
               (copy to Footpaths Officer RLEW).

 The meeting ended at 8.30pm - a record I believe!