Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Milton Parish Council held at 7pm in the Community Centre on Monday 11 May 1998 Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington (till 241/98) JE Coston (from 214/98) R Day IF May CF Nunn PK Oldham J Sandford (from 216/98 - apologies for lateness) J Shaw (from 215 to 246/98) HM Smith SJ Snaith RT Summerfield LC Twinn EY Wakeling (from 214/98) and the clerk SJ Daniels. 1. Apologies for Absence received from DJ Lee 212/98 2. Election of Chairman RLEW was unanimously elected chairman. Proposed RTS seconded RD. He signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 213/98 3. Election of Vice Chairman RJF was unanimously elected vice chairman. Proposed CFN seconded SJS. 214/98 4. Committees The following Committees were confirmed:- Planning en bloc plus LCT Finance en bloc plus PKO Maintenance en bloc plus CFN Play en bloc Cemetery en bloc Youth en bloc Highways en bloc plus PKO and LCT Allotments en bloc Community Care en bloc 215/98 5. Representatives Confirmed as before with the exception of PKO becoming Deputy Tree Warden; and addition of LCT as Representative to the Under 5's Group and JEC to both the Millennium Committee and Village View. It was noted that members of committees or representatives did not necessarily have to be members of the parish Council. It was confirmed that the clerk had written congratulating the school on their recent successful Ofsted Inspection. The minutes of the Planning Meeting of 27 April were confirmed and signed as a true record. 218/98 8. Annual Parish Meeting PKO asked that an explanation of Council's Bus Pass Scheme be put on the notice board and in the Village View. 9. Matters Arising 219/98 Police Local Consultation Group (104/98) A report of the meeting of 11 March was received. Noted that the next meeting was set for 1 July. 220/98 Central Refuges (146/98) Despite the reassurance from the County Council that the central refuges would be lit nothing had as yet happened. The clerk to contact John Edwards. 221/98 A14 Roadworks (150/98) Confirmation that the resurfacing was due to take place during the summer holidays was received from the County Council. 222/98 Lowered Kerbs (152/98) RJF proposed and RD seconded that Council do not ask for the kerbs to be lowered where the cycle/footpath meets the road near The Rowans open space and Froment Way open space because of the possible dangers. There were 13 in favour and 1 against 223/98 Pond Green (157/98) It was expected that a full reply concerning the proposal for Pond Green would be received shortly. 224/98 Graffiti - Tesco (159/98) The Manager had promised RLEW to arrange for the graffiti to be cleaned off. 225/98 Farm College Merger (160/98) The Principal had confirmed that the merger was going ahead and that the College would approach the Parish Council with their expansion plans. 226/98 New Vehicular Access to Milton Hall (162/98) Noted that PI's resources were being concentrated on its new premises at Cottenham. PI however still intended to implement the new road access. Mr Belcham of SCDC was monitoring the situation. 227/98 Tomkins Mead (164/98) The Country Park Ranger was looking at ways of improving the muddy path near the Coles Road entrance. 228/98 AWA Sewer (165/98) Noted that the seeding had not yet been done. D Ward to be contacted. 229/98 Maintenance (167/98) Meeting with Mr Rees still to be arranged. The Farm College had cleaned the mud from the road. 230/98 Rowing Lake (168/98) A Board meeting was set for 4 June. HMS to confirm that the Rowing Trust had contacted the occupier of the Crossing Keeper's house. 231/98 Cycling Facilities (172/98) Noted that J Richards was looking in more detail at the options. Agreed to ask him for his time scale. 232/98 A10/A14 Interchange (173/98) The clerk to write to the Highways Agency expressing concern at the delay in having the slippage repaired. 233/98 Parking of Vehicles (175/98) RJF and the clerk had met with E Thornton. He would not agree to mound or put in bollards at the entrance to the industrial estate. It was agreed to write to all the firms on the estate. Concerns were expressed about parking on the verge near the bus shelter in High Street. It was agreed to find out first who owned the land. 234/98 20MPH Speed Limit (176/98) Noted that 20mph speed limits could only be installed in traffic calmed areas with the consent of the Secretary of State. JEC to make further inquiries. 235/98 A10 Junctions (177/98) The Highways Agency were monitoring the accidents at the Butt Lane junction. A suggested layout for the Landbeach Road junction was received. Agreed to ask the Highways Agency to keep Council up to date with their findings. 236/98 Extension - 88 Butt Lane (178/98) Noted that the planning officers were recommending refusal. 237/98 Finance (204-211/98) RTS summarised the Finance Meeting held on 8 May. 238/98 10. Sheltered Housing (184/98) Noted that the Archaeologists had finished their work. It was agreed to give an undertaking to the Sports Council that part of the proceeds of the sale of the application site would be used to encourage more formal sports use. 239/98 11. Bills for Payment and Money Received Proposed RJF and seconded JS that the following payments be authorised: (See attached sheet) Cheque 1273 - See Minute 179/98 Cheques 1274-1294 Cheque 30 from Current A/c 2 Agreed 12 in favour 1 abstention. There was concern that Herald Contract Services (Cheque 1289) had done some work without written authorisation. Action to be taken to ensure that this did not happen again. Noted that the Fidelity Insurance was taken out on 7 April the premium therefore being £309.31 (See minute 180/98). Accounts as at 11 May were circulated. The Chairman of the Finance Committee requested it be minuted that Councillors had been receiving copies of the Accounts each month since April 1997. 240/98 12. War Memorial (181/98) Noted that Council were liable for The Treasury Solicitor's costs of £300 including District Valuer's fee of £160. RD proposed that Council ask Milton Charities to make a contribution towards the purchase of this land as it was in the general public interest. Agreed. 241/98 13. Milton Community Centre (170/98) The date of the AGM was not yet known. The draft of the Lease document had been received comments to be sent to the clerk in readiness for the June meeting. RLEW was concerned about the time it had taken the solicitor to prepare this documet. RLEW reported that Julie Gray had accepted the post as secretary/administrator; also that the manager had received a written warning about the quality of his work. 242/98 14. Notice of Audit The audit was set for 20 August. 243/98 15. Play Areas The Play Committee had met and were waiting for various quotations. J Sh proposed JEC seconded and all agreed that Playdale be asked to repair the suspension bridge at The Rowans. IFM proposed that Council accept Wicksteed's quotation of £263.50 for repairs. Agreed. It was agreed also to ask Wicksteed to repair damaged equipment at The Sycamores - cost unknown. Discussion about basketball provision ensued. No decision was taken as to whether the goal at Froment Way should be moved away from houses or whether a tarmac surface should be laid. 244/98 16. Internet PKO gave a summary of some of the uses of the Internet, Web Site etc. It was agreed to authorise PKO to put the minutes on the Web Site as from May although HMS had reservations about this. It was agreed also that the clerk's computer should be updated so that the Parish Council could be on the Internet. Costs to be discussed at June meeting. 245/98 17. Planning Decisions Received - None. New Applications S/0726/98 Bard Pharmaceuticals - Erection of exhaust stack. No comments. 246/98 18. Allotments Use by Farm College It was agreed that the Farm College could use the unlet area of allotments at the northern end of the site for a short time. The Farm College had agreed to clean up the two disused allotments and the fly tipping. As a result there was no need to consider Herald Contract's quotations. New Pump The clerk had received a request for a new pump to be installed. The allotment holders were willing to provide labour if Council agreed to buy the pump. The clerk to investigate with the Environment Agency the possible need for a licence before convening an Allotment Committee meeting. 247/98 19. Crime Update The latest crime figures were circulated. Noted that an "Anglian Crimestoppers Meeting" was scheduled for May 20 at the Country Park. 248/98 20. County Councillor's Report JEC had received a request for the closure of the layby on the western side of the A14 near the sewage works. (Because of its proximity to the slip road motorists could mistake it for the slip road.) Council agreed to support its closure. JEC was organising an Internet evening for 14 May. 249/98 21. District Councillor's Report At the Planning Policy Committee Meeting to be held on 13 May the Planning Officers were putting forward their support for the inclusion of the cycle/footbridge over the A14 in the TPP bid. Noted that Enventure Southern had put £10,000 into the Feasiility Study for this bridge. 250/98 22. Correspondence Received CALC Bulletin Cambridgeshire County Council - Bridge Street closure - to be made permanent. SCDC - Report by Planning Officer on DOE circular "Prevention of Dereliction through the Planning System." (Circulated to Planning Committee). SCDC - Leaflet "Opportunities for Change" (already circulated). Edge & Ellison Solicitors - Notice of Application for Transfer of the Licence for Dillons to Mr Walden and Ms Fairbairn. The meeting ended at 10.55pm.