Minutes of the Maintenance Committee
       held on Monday 17 March 2003 at 7.55pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   EH Baker   B Jefferson   HM Smith   LC Twinn   
           In attendance:  R Day   CJ Lock   RT Summerfield 
           The clerk
       1   Apologies for Absence  -   RLE Waters

136/03 2   Minutes 
           The minutes of the meeting of 23 September 02 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

137/03 3   Village Maintenance/Grass Cutting Contract Review 
           PKO, CJL, RTS and the clerk had toured the village and were
           satisfied with the condition of the open spaces.
           The clerk would remind Herald Contract Services to:
           - Cut a meandering path through the cow parsley on the land between
             83 Coles Road and the doctors' surgery down to the entrance to
             our nature reserve and  not to cut the whole area until after the
             cow parsley has died down.
           - Cut only 1-2 metres wide on northern side of cemetery path so as
             not to encroach too far into our wild flower meadow.
           - Leave the cowslips to flower in the old part of the cemetery.
           - Prune beside path at 122 The Sycamores and on path between
             Faulkner Close and Butt Lane.  

           Action:  the clerk

           PKO advised committee members to report any problems immediately so
           that the clerk could arrange for prompt remedial action.

138/03 4   Any other business
           Holm Oak - PKO would water the holm oak as and when necessary.

           Litter - RD, ME and the clerk had collected six bags of rubbish
           from Fen Road - between the railway crossing and the river. The
           clerk would find out if Fen Road was on the SCDC rota.
           Action:  the clerk

           HMS and RJF were meeting the Tesco manager to discuss the problems
           of letter at The Sycamores recreation Ground. There was still a
           problem of litter being dumped at the entrance to the recreation

           Street Signs - the clerk would remind SCDC about the damaged Fen
           Road sign. Coles Road signs (northern end) were in need of
           replacement. Old School Lane sign for the cul-de-sac "39-49" was
           being ordered.

The meeting ended at 8.15pm.