Minutes of the Maintenance Committee
       held on Monday 23 September 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   EH Baker   B Jefferson   HM Smith   LC Twinn
           RLE Waters
           The clerk

       1   Apologies for Absence  -  R Day

405/02 2   Election of chairman  - PKO was elected chairman.

406/02 3   Declaration of Interest - as members of the MCC Management Committee
           HMS, LCT and RLEW declared an interest (item 5).

407/02 4   Minutes 
           The minutes of the meeting of 19 November 01 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

408/02 4   Village Cleaning Duties
           RCT Adams' duties were reviewed in conjunction with SCDC's rota. It
           was AGREED that his duties should be amended. The clerk would discuss
           the new proposals with RCTA and agree new hours.
           Action:  the clerk

409/02 5   Grass Cutting Contract 2002 
           Committee were disappointed at the failure of Herald Contract
           Services (HCS) to conform to the contract.  Areas of concern:
           - Grass area between bowls club and Barnabas Court including weed
           - Weed spraying of boundaries of Coles Road recreation ground and
             edges of play areas 
           - Grass area between 83 Coles Road and the recreation ground
           - Weed spraying of play areas on Sycamores recreation ground
           - War memorial green including weed spraying
           - Cemetery (cutting down of cowslips)
           - Grass area at junction of Willow Crescent and High Street
           - Shrubs overhanging path near 255 The Rowans and 122 The Sycamores
           - Raising of crowns of trees to 2.7 metres above cycle paths

           The clerk would compose a letter warning HCS that Council expected an
           improvement in his performance in 2003 - for discussion at October
           Council meeting. He would also remind HCS that he should complete the
           number of cuts as per the contract.

           Also noted that dead plants under flowering cherry tree near
           199 The Rowans should be cleared up and the area grass seeded.

           Action:  the clerk

           Further reviews would be undertaken in Spring and Autumn 2003.
410/02 6   Issues arising from village tour

           To ask for quotations from Burleigh Contractors and Town & Country to:
           - cut back the row of trees against boundary fence between the
             Sycamores recreation ground and houses 45 - 69 (MPC to take on
             responsibility not MCC)
           - cut back by 2-3 metres trees at base of "Bovis" part of bund -
             at The Sycamores.  
           - cut down the Goat Willow (against a garden fence) at Hawthorn Hedge
             open space to allow for more rapid growth of suckers etc.
           - remove three (small) trees at Edmund Green next to 363 The Rowans
             and prune cherry tree adjacent 279 The Rowans. (As the ownership of
             the cherry tree cannot be established Committee would prune it as a
             one off). 
           - cut back the main central  "stem" (trunk) of cherry tree near
             199 The Rowans at approx 12' high.

           Action:  the clerk and PKO

           New Trees on Bund - some had taken .  

           not to weed spray any more (reduction in contract weed spraying

           Russian Vine - HCS to be reminded to cut back Russian Vine at
           The Rowans - as part of ongoing work as agreed in 2001.
           (397/02) Landbeach Road - a general scheme to erect a gate and
           bollards together with some hedge planting was agreed. Clerk to find
           out access needed by AWA.

           not to prevent access to area immediately behind bus shelter unless
           further incursions by travellers make this necessary as per Policy
           agreed in minute 275/02.

           Noted that most of the above work would be met from Commuted funds. 
           Memorial Green Jubilee Oak

           to remove the middle shrub behind the seats, plant an oak there and
           to erect an inscribed stone/concrete plinth.

           The clerk to ask Tom Nicholls to remove unsightly concrete posts on
           boundary with Post Office.


           To ask Town & Country to quote to plant three ash trees at the
           cemetery and to ask the Charities for a contribution.

           Action (for all the above):  the clerk 

           Fen Road - RD & PKO would fill in the gaps between trees on the
           verges beyond the railway crossing probably with alder and field

           Action:  PKO

411/02 7   Daffodil Planting
           Areas for planting - Ely Road (in agreement with Pi), Fen Road beyond
           railway, between the bowls club and Barnabas Court (under trees).

           To recommend purchase of more daffodil bulbs.

           A resident had suggested that Council plant bluebells. It was felt
           that bluebells "belong" in woods and fields. Daffodils were enjoyed
           as the first colours of spring.

The meeting ended at 9.45pm.