Minutes of the Maintenance Committee
       held on Monday 16 October 2000 at 7.45pm in the Community Centre

Present: HM Smith (chair)   B Jefferson   PK Oldham   LC Twinn    RLE Waters
         R Day   the clerk

       1   Apologies for Absence - none

475/00 2   Chairman
           HMS was elected chairman.

476/00 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 29 November 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

477/00 4   Outstanding maintenance
           Shrubs overhanging footpaths;
           Convulvulus damaging shrubs;
           War memorial site - the bramble to be cut back hard [carried by 4
           votes with one abstention], weeds along the boundary fence and the
           weeds/nettles below the seats to be strimmed. The shrubs behind the
           seats to be cut back hard;
           Cut back by 50% lilac bush on grass verge near 37 Old School Lane;
           Crowns of trees along new cycle path in Cambridge Road to be raised.

           Herald to be notified.

           Trees overhanging Coulson Close from bund;  graffiti on lamp post
           between Gunnell Close and Woodman Way - Ed Thornton to be notified.

           The walk identified the bund path as an integral part of the
           footpath link throughout the village.

           AGREED to ask Herald for quotations:
           - to provide a footpath along approximately 350 metres of the top
             of the bund at the northern end of the village. The clerk would
             find out if any money was available through the Parish Paths
           - to remove lower branches of horse chestnut tree at war memorial
           - to reduce height of trees at boundary of Hawthorn Hedge play area;
           - to cut down conifer trees behind bund north of Butt Lane
             [request from resident].

           It was agreed that Council should plant to cover the area of hedge
           which was broken through adjacent to 12 Fen Road.

           Noted that the village sign appeared to be peeling on the side
           facing south. The clerk would seek J Waterson's advice.

478/00 5   Contract
           AGREED to amend parts of contract below and to confirm
           alterations and costings with Herald:

            Cow parsley
            Mowing Strips/strimming around signs etc
            Recreation Grounds
            Weed spraying
            Area adjacent A10 by pass
            War memorial site.

           A deadline of late summer 2001 was set to have a tender pack
           prepared for prospective contractors.
           PKO would look at computer software that could help the process.
           It was suggested that each committee member assesses the needs of
           a different sector of the village.
           The clerk would ask MCC to look at their requirements.

479/00 6   Dog Bin
           AGREED to buy a dog bin to be sited outside the vet's surgery in
           Cambridge Road.

480/00 7   Any other business
           Having received a complaint committee suggested that a resident
           could plant pyracantha along the boundary fence of Froment Way play
           area to deter children from climbing into the garden.

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.