Minutes of the Maintenance Committee
held on Monday 29 November at 7.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   HM Smith (chair)   PK Oldham   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           the clerk

559/99 1   Apologies for Absence - none

560/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 27 September 1999 were approved
           and signed as a true record.

       3   Matters Arising:-
561/99     Grass cutting contract for 2000/01
(415/99)   Mr Newitt had responded to the concerns expressed at previous
           meeting. Various minor amendments to the contract were agreed.
           The clerk: to confirm amendments with Herald Contract Services.
                      (Copy to HMS).
           Total contract price for 2000/01 = £9910 + VAT.

(492/99)   Village cleaning
           The contract had been signed (see also min 416/99).

(492/99)   Street cleansing
           SCDC's rota already detailed (see also min 417/99).
           The clerk: to contact SCDC again about old A10 and the skip.

562/99 4   Outstanding maintenance - update:
(446/99)   Flagstones at war memorial - estimated cost to lift and relay
           completely £3-400.
           Bollards at entrance to bund at Butt Lane - done.
           Seat and bin at level crossing - bin done, seat being repaired.
           Staining of seats Goal posts Humphries Way
           Dog bin Landbeach Road - in hand, to be done shortly.
           Village pump - to be done by Herald.
           Cemetery seat - to be done after completion of  path/roadway
           (see also min 419/99).

563/99 5   Planting of bund adjacent The Sycamores
(519/99)   Total cost of whips and hire of strimmer under £100 (see also min
           AGREED that PKO should proceed up to a cost of £100. Weed spraying
                  to be included in Herald's contract.

The meeting ended at 7.45pm.