Minutes of the Maintenance Meeting
held on Monday 27th September 1999 at 7:00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   HM Smith (chair)   PK Oldham   LC Twinn and the clerk

       1   Apologies for Absence   JM Palmer   CF Taylor

414/99 2   Election of Chairman
           HMS was elected chairman.

415/99 3   Grass Cutting Contract
           The following areas of concern were expressed:-
           War Memorial Site
           Strimming up to the edges of fences
           Bushes encroaching on to cycle path at Ely Road
           Nettles making pathway unpassable adjacent bund north of Butt Lane
           State of new bund adjacent to field by A14 opposite Tesco
           Grass in Rowans Play Area not being cut regularly
           Weeds on western side of Hawthorn Hedge
           The clerk:  to ask the contractor to slow down and take more care
                       when cutting especially at the War Memorial Site and
                       to use a smaller mower for this Site.

           Noted that the contractor had not sprayed the unlet allotments when
           asked. He would be reminded to carry out instructions.
           In addition it was agreed that the Russian Vine at the Rowans open
           space should be cut back and the Willow tree behind 132 The Rowans
           also be cut back.
           The clerk would agree minor amendments to the contract with Mr Newitt
           including any increase for inflation.

416/99 4   Village Cleaning
           AGREED  to amend the village cleaner's duties and also to draw up
                   a contract. The clerk:  to action.

417/99 5   Street Cleansing Contract
           The new contract was now operating. The clerk had invited
           Mr P Duncan of SCDC to discuss this with the committee.

418/99 6   Tree Warden's Report
           AGREED  to ask Herald to prune horse chestnut opposite War Memorial
                   as part of his contract and to quote for removing the
                   poplar and lowering the crown of two sycamores on the
                   grassed area between 83 Coles Road and the Doctors' Surgery.
           AGREED  to ask A Hall, Truelink to quote for supply, planting and
                   maintenance of approximately 150 whips on the bund behind
                   the Sycamores.

419/99 7   Outstanding Maintenance
           As Mr Whiterod was no longer available to do maintenance work the
           clerk had contacted Mr T Nicholls who was willing to take on the
           AGREED.  MPC to supply materials.
                    The Clerk:  to confirm Mr Nicholls' hourly rate.

420/99 8   Any Other Business
           PKO was concerned about the inappropriate pruning of a cherry tree
           recently done by a resident.
           The clerk:  to explain to the residents that MPC would arrange to
                       have these trees pruned professionally if necessary.
           Noted that PKO and the clerk intended to draw up a definitive map
           showing all the highway verges throughout the village.

The meeting ended at 8.30pm.