Minutes of the Highways Committee Meeting held on Monday 9th June 2003 at 8.00pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) JE Coston IR Cowley B Jefferson PK Oldham RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels In attendance Philip Sharp 259/03 1 Election of Chairman - RJF was elected chairman. 2 Apologies for absence - R Day RLE Waters 260/03 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 16th September 02 were approved and signed as a true record. (395/02) Noted that Landbeach Parish Council supported the cycle way proposal. 261/03 4 Outstanding Issues RJF welcomed Philip Sharp Cambs County Council. The following issues were highlighted: (234/03) Coles Road/ Cambridge Road Junction (min 496/02 also refers) - The soak-away drain was not flowing freely. PS to follow up? - Reinstatement of double yellow lines had still not been done. PS to follow up? - Powered stump. JEC had met with Tony Hull CCC who had agreed to deal with this. Bollards at High Street/Fen Road Junction - these were still not working. Committee queried the need for the tall light columns (both not working for at least two years). PS to follow up? Butt Lane Junction - this junction would be re-modelled and re-surfaced within two months. The entrance will be narrowed and the centre island removed to make it safer for both drivers and pedestrians. PS to send a copy of the plan. Stuart Mallott had bid successfully to have High Street/Cambridge Road re-surfaced. Ely Road Pinch Point - there had been complaints that the pinch point was dangerous and that the signing was poor, especially the road markings. RTS believed that the pinch point was successful in reducing the amount of traffic in the mornings. PS to review the signing and layout. Ash Tree on verge in front of Farm College and Horse Chestnut by Bus Stop High Street - a tree surgeon had looked at these trees and agreed the work to be done. PS understood that an order for the work had been made. PS to clarify the exact nature of the work (by email to the clerk). Double Yellow Lines Industrial Estate - JEC had met with PS on site. The next stage was a meeting with South Cambs Officers and the Country Park Warden. Other suggestions included planting and/or a cycle lane to the Country Park. Noted that the County Council had no money to improve this estate. Foot/Cyclepath Butt Lane to Froment Way (cutting back of trees/ shrubs) - JEC reported that Mark Kemp had agreed to pay half of the costs - £120. Additional items discussed: Car Parking on Cycle Lane - a matter for the police/traffic warden. Puddle Slip Road Path - noted that a large puddle formed across the path/cycle lane at the bottom of the slip road near Tesco roundabout. A soak-away would solve this problem. PS to investigate? Bollards - replacements needed at northern approach from Ely and on footpath opposite White Horse Public House. PS to follow up? Damaged Signs Landbeach Road/A10 Junction - an accident had damaged signs leaving posts at a dangerous angle (windscreen height). These should be removed immediately. PS to arrange? Speed Hump - one of the blocks in High Street had lifted. PS to follow up? 262/03 5 Street Lighting The Rowans (192/03) JEC had met with Tony Hull. CCC had no money in the budget for street lights. RTS reported that SCDC would pay 25% of the costs. JEC to discuss with T Hull again. 263/03 6 Northern Approach Slip Road A resident of Landbeach had expressed concerns about the dangers at this junction. No firm proposal (that was within a realistic budget) was made. Committee would monitor. 264/03 7 Overnight Parking of Bus The Rowans There were concerns about overnight parking of coaches near Shapers. This was a matter for PC Shulver. The clerk would contact him. Action: clerk 265/03 8 AOB Silver Street Proposals - details of the scheme for reducing the amount of traffic in Silver Street Cambridge were received. South Cambs Environmnt and Transport Area Joint Committee - next meeting 23rd June - agenda received. The meeting ended at 8.55pm.