Minutes of the Highways Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 16 September 2002 at 8.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   J Farrington (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   B Jefferson   PK Oldham
           HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           In attendance  CJ Lock
           The clerk  SJ Daniels
       1   Apologies for absence  -  TJ Siggs

392/02 2   Election of Chairman -  RJF was elected chairman.

393/02 3   Minutes 
           The minutes of the meeting of 30 April 02 were approved and signed
           as a true record. 

394/02 4   Highways Questionnaire 
           The County Council's survey of Highways and Engineering Division
           Services was completed. The three main areas of concern identified
           - Drains - flooding in numerous locations
           - Cycleway - poor quality work and failure to carry out outstanding
             remedial works after two years
           - Grass cutting - the grass area adjacent to A10 north of Butt Lane
             junction was cut in error by the County Council. This area is owned
             by MPC and was being left to encourage wildlife and tree growth. 

395/02 5   Pedestrian crossing near Tesco - bid to Minor Highway improvements
           Fund This was being considered in response to a request. The siting
           of a pedestrian crossing could be difficult close to various road
           It was agreed to put in a bid to the Minor Highways Improvements Fund
           and to include the two unsuccessful bids from 2001 (min 472/01 refers).
           The motion to submit the three schemes in priority order was proposed:
           1  Butt Lane Junction
           2  Footpath Link to Cemetery 
           3  Pedestrian Crossing near Tesco

           An amendment to submit the schemes in the following order was CARRIED:
           (4 votes in favour, 2 against 3 abstentions)
           1  Butt Lane Junction
           2  Pedestrian Crossing near Tesco
           3  Footpath Link to Cemetery 

           The following substantive motion was then AGREED:
           (7 votes in favour 2 against)

           To submit bids in priority order:
           1  Butt Lane Junction
           2  Pedestrian Crossing near Tesco
           3  Footpath Link to Cemetery.

           Action: clerk to contact Landbeach PC for a joint approach for
                   number 3

396/02 6   Request for seat at Landbeach Road bus shelter
           The clerk had received a request to have a seat put in the Landbeach
           Road bus shelter. It was felt that because of the narrow width of the
           shelter a seat would not be practical. Concern was expressed that
           this might become a "meeting point".
           AGREED (8 votes,  1 abstention)
           Not to install a seat.

397/02 7   Disused part of Landbeach Road 
(342/02)   The clerk would find out from AWA what access arrangements were
           needed for their pumping station.
           Action:  clerk

           It was proposed to erect a gate and bollards to prevent vehicular
           access. The maintenance committee would look at possible planting
           of hawthorn around the perimeter of the grass area.

       8   AOB
398/02     Cycle Bridge - JEC hoped to have an update soon.

The meeting ended at 8.45pm.