Minutes of the Highways Committee Meeting held on Monday 18 June 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) R Day B Jefferson RT Summerfield RLE Waters PK Oldham The clerk SJ Daniels R Menzies Cambs County Council 1 Apologies for absence JE Coston LC Twinn 350/01 2 Chairman RJF was elected chairman. 351/01 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 11 October 2000 were approved and signed as a true record. 352/01 4 A10 Junction /Butt Lane (304/01) The chairman welcomed R Menzies who explained that the South Cambs Area Joint Committee were meeting on 25 June to consider the implementation of the traffic lights scheme at the A10/Butt Lane junction. The junction had the second worst accident record on the County's (non-trunk) roads - the worst being the A10/A14 interchange. Features of the scheme: - Priority to A10 traffic - 7 seconds to be allowed for traffic turning right in and out of Butt Lane - to prevent rat-running. - Queue loop at A10/A14 interchange to allow extra minute of green light on A10 at busy times for northbound traffic. - Street lights along the A10 by pass from the A10/A14 interchange to the Landbeach Road junction. This would affect some houses. - No 40 mph speed limit as this would be inappropriate and against County Policy viz no 30/40 mph speed limits on rural principal roads. A limit would be difficult to enforce. Studies had shown that most vehicles travelled between the high 40's and mid 50's mph. RM could not forecast the effect if any that the lights would have on Milton. A roundabout would involve land-take, would take longer to implement and cost about £500,000. Traffic lights would cost £100,000 and could be implemented within 3 to 4 months. He was concerned about the probable delays caused to traffic going north during the peak times. This needed to be balanced, however, against his priority to reduce the accident record. RTS was on the Area Joint Committee. RLEW would attend and speak if necessary. The clerk would obtain accident statistics for the junction. Thank you to R Menzies for attending. 353/01 5 School Entrance Butt Lane A request for railings at the footpath entrance to the school in Butt Lane and a speed restriction was received. Committee were not aware of any accidents to children running out into the road. It was felt that a bigger problem was caused by children walking out from behind parked cars. The number of parked cars effectively acted as a speed deterrent. AGREED to seek the views of the school. 354/01 6 Jointly Funded Minor Improvements Scheme The alteration to the northern approach to the village built as part of the cycle scheme was considered totally unsatisfactory. AGREED to recommend that Council put in a bid for funding towards a pinch point at Ely Road at the appropriate time. The clerk would ask J Richards about the design for such a scheme. 355/01 7 Footpath Link to Cemetery Noted that cyclists already used the line of the old Landbeach Road to cross the A10 towards Landbeach. Concern was expressed that by providing a proper footpath/cycle link from the disused part of Landbeach Road Council would encourage people to cross the A10 at a dangerous point. AGREED to seek the views of Landbeach Parish Council and J Richards Cycling Officer County Council. 356/01 8 Request for Speed Humps & 20 mph Speed Limits (102/01) AGREED to seek the views of R Menzies about the installation of speed humps on estate roads. 20 mph speed limits would need to be self-enforcing. 9 Any other business 357/01 Cycle Scheme The clerk would ask for an update on remedial works as detailed in the list (min) and would point out the drainage problems at the Butt Lane/High Street and Coles Road/Cambridge Road junctions. In addition double yellow lines should be reinstated. 358/01 Drainage The clerk had asked Ed Thornton to look at the drainage problems near Strangeways Cottage Fen Road. Ed Thornton was aware of the problems caused by Milton's antiquated drainage system and the fact that all the drains fed into the New River behind the hospice grounds and ultimately to the river Cam. The New River and the riparian ditch behind Goding Way needed to be cleaned out. 359/01 High Street/Fen Road Junction The clerk would write to D Groom County Council to ask that the remedial works be carried out immediately as the road surface was dangerous for cyclists and motor cyclists. 360/01 Double Yellow Lines (468/00) Results of cycle scheme still to be assessed. 361/01 Flower Seller Noted that the flower seller was operating from the Norman Industrial Estate and partially obstructing the cycle/foot path. The clerk would investigate. The meeting ended at 9.00pm.