Minutes of the Highways Committee Meeting
       held on Wednesday 11 October 2000 at 8.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   R Day   B Jefferson   RT Summerfield
           RLE Waters   HM Smith
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   JE Coston   PK Oldham   LC Twinn

464/00 2   Chairman  RJF was elected chairman.

465/00 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 20 March 2000 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

(145/00)   Cycle Scheme
           a) Bus Shelter - (min 459/00 refers) - J Richards had recently
              confirmed that the shelter could be sited in Cambridge Road.
              The clerk would ask J Richards to contact RLEW to arrange
              collection of shelter.  Replacement polycarbonate would be
           b) Noted that the lay-by near Apostolic Church did not drain away;
           c) it was felt that bollards should be considered for verge by
              Norman Industrial Estate;
           d) there was concern about parking on cycle lane at Bene't Garage;
           e) it was queried whether a permanent "priority" sign would be
              provided near the Apostolic Church.
           Clerk to contact J Richards about points b-e.

(146/00)   A10/Butt Lane Junction
           The clerk would request an update on traffic lights.

(147/00)   Pedestrian Crossings Science Park
           No information had been received.

466/00 4   Jointly Funded Minor improvement Scheme
           AGREED to await effects of existing cycle scheme and A14 bridge
           before deciding whether to consider any bid. Clerk to inform
           D Brace County Council.

467/00 5   Speed management and 20 MPH Speed Limits
           Copy of a report given to Area Joint Committee had been circulated.
           Noted that a change in speed limits would be "only considered
           following a request from a Parish Council" and that "20 mph speed
           limits should be self-enforcing because of their physical design".
           The police service would not enforce these limits as a matter of
           AGREED  not to pursue 20mph limits at this time.

468/00 6   Double Yellow Lines
           A request was received for double yellow lines in Cambridge Road
           between Barnabas Court and Bene't Garage.
           AGREED  to review after seeing effects of existing cycle scheme.

469/00 7   A10 Detrunking
           Draft detrunking order received and noted.
           AGREED to ask if Butt Lane/A10 traffic lights would be erected
           before detrunking; to query sequencing of A10/A14 traffic lights
           and to ask that current times of operation be extended to 7 days
           per week from 6am to 10/11pm.

470/00 8   Correspondence
            Cambridgeshire Transport Plan
            CHUMMS - September 2000.

The meeting ended at 9.10pm.