Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting
       held on Monday 28 October 2002 in Milton Community Centre at 8.20pm

Present:   RT Summerfield (chair)   JE Coston   HM Smith   RLE Waters 
           In attendance   M Ellwood   RJ Farrington
           The clerk  SJ Daniels
       1   Apologies for absence    PK Oldham      TJ Siggs
453/02 2   Minutes of the meeting of 8 July 02 were confirmed and signed as
           a true record. 

454/02 3   Matters arising 
(321/02)   VAT - SCDC had agreed to grant aid MPC towards the skate park half
           pipe (min 335/02 refers).
(322/02)   Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements - The chairman had reconciled
           the bank statements as at 30/06/02

455/02 4   Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements
           The chairman reconciled the bank statements as at 30/09/02.

456/02 5   Review of Debtors
           There was one debtor at 30/09/02 
           - £2518.81 VAT reclaim.

457/02 6   Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals
           The budget figures and year to date actuals were reviewed. 
           Figures at variance:
           - Youth receipts - under budget.  Youth accounts were received.
           - Long term debt.
           - Office equipment - over budget - new computer. 
           - Admin - under budget - crime and contingency not used.
           - Play and youth - both under budget.

           Noted that interest received was approximately 50% that of the
           corresponding period for 2001/02.

458/02 7   Salary Scales

           To recommend Council accept the National Joint Council for Local 
           Government Services scales:

           Hourly rate Spinal Column Point (SCP):

                   1st April 2002  1st October 2002  1st April 2003
            SCP  4 £5.01           £5.11             £5.34  (Cleaning)
            SCP 11 £6.31           £6.37             £6.59  (Warden)
            SCP 21 £8.21           £8.29             £8.58  (Clerk)

           To recommend holiday entitlement of 22 days per year for 1-5 years of
           employment and 27 days per year over 5 years service as per CALC 
           Bulletin 7/2002 dated October 2002.

           Noted that the clerk calculated pay according to the formula:

           Hourly rate x hours per week x 52   = monthly salary

459/02 8   Play Equipment Funding
           ME was concerned about funding play equipment especially rubber
           safety surfaces and the most appropriate way forward.
           Council's only major income was through the rate precept - other
           sources being reserves and commuted sums.
           It was suggested that the Play Committee take an audit of all
           equipment and produce a 10 year plan detailing what is needed.

           The clerk would calculate the amount of underspend (if any) from
           the play budget during the previous 5 years.
           Action:  Clerk

           That the following proposal should be on the agenda for the November 
           Council meeting that:

           "Milton Parish Council makes a donation towards the rubberised
            surface planned for Coles Road Recreation Ground toddlers play area."
           (Min 437/02 refers)

460/02 9   Any Other Business
           The minibus application had failed.  Options now were:
           - An application by the Parish Council for a £10,000 grant from
             the Vital Villages Fund. MPC would become the owners of the
             minibus. The structures for administering the scheme were in
             place. Grants of £6,000 from SCDC and £6,000 from MPC had been
             pledged leaving a shortfall of £15,000. Insurance would cost
             £2,000 per annum. Use of reserves - £40,000 set aside for land
             acquisition and commuted sums could be considered.
           - A Parish Council grant and/or loan to the scouts to buy their
             own second hand minibus.

           To put the following proposal on the agenda for the November
           meeting that: 

           "Milton Parish Council purchase a minibus subject to obtaining a
            Vital Villages grant."

The meeting ended at 9.30pm