Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Monday 22 April 2002 in Milton Community Centre at 8.15pm Present: RT Summerfield (chair) JE Coston TJ Siggs HM Smith RLE Waters The clerk 1 Apologies for absence RJ Farrington PK Oldham 184/02 2 Minutes of the meeting of 21 January 2002 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 185/02 3 Matters arising A summary of the youth centre's accounts was circulated. 186/02 4 Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements The chairman reconciled the bank statements as at 31/03/02. 187/02 5 Review of Debtors Debtors total was £1650.56 at 31/03/02 - Interest accrued - £40 - VAT recoverable - £1509.58 - Cemetery Fee - £75 - MCC grant overpaid - £25.98. 188/02 6 Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals The budget figures and year to date actuals were reviewed. Council had budgeted for a surplus of £220 whereas the actual surplus was £1822. Figures at variance: - Administration - contingency £1500 expenditure £230, crime £500 expenditure £16 - Cemetery overspent by £538 because of tree surgery - Maintenance (commuted) overspent by £2215 because of steps on bund (£1025), Russian Vine (£632) and tree clearance on bund (£520) - Millennium - surplus of £972 - Recreation Grounds - overspent by £1410 - slitting of recreation grounds and removal of horse chestnut trees Coles Road (paid by MPC) - Youth - underspent as Council had budgeted for two nights and two workers. To date Council had paid for one night and one worker though were now paying for two workers. Noted that there was £2719 capital money left in the youth budget (min 172/02 refers). 189/02 7 Draft Accounts 2001/02 Accounts were received. Noted that Council spent £1430.20 on capital schemes: - Bus Shelter - £724.20 - Roller Hockey Court - £500 - Youth Building - handrails and skirt - £206. 190/02 8 New Audit Arrangements The Audit Commission were introducing a new 'lighter touch' audit. This would involve "active participation of members" to provide "positive assurance to the electors that the stewardship of the public assets with which they have been entrusted has been properly managed". 5% of Councils would be subject to a 'spot check' by the external auditor. The basic audit fee would be £350 rising to £650 if Council spends over £100,000 in a year. Council must appoint an internal auditor. AGREED to appoint Nick Sloman as internal auditor at £12.50 per hour. Noted that CALC suggested an hourly fee of about £12; Council had experience of Mr Sloman's work through MCC. The clerk would attend a CALC seminar on 9 May - cost £15. 191/02 9 Any Other Business The clerk had written to Customs and Excise for advice on VAT. Reply not yet received. The meeting ended at 9.00pm