Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Monday 15 October 2001 in Milton Community Centre at 7.30pm Present: RT Summerfield (chair) JE Coston (part) PK Oldham TJ Siggs RLE Waters RJ Farrington R Day (part) B Jefferson CJ Lock LC Twinn (part) The clerk 1 Apologies for absence HM Smith (at youth centre) 529/01 2 Minutes of the meeting of 16 July 2001 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 3 Matters arising - none 530/01 4 Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements The chairman reconciled the bank statements as at 30/09/01. 531/01 5 Audit Report Fidelity Guarantee - In view of the significant contributions made to the Community Centre Council should consider whether MCC had sufficient security in place in the event of any losses at the Community Centre. Property Cover - variance between the level of cover and the value of assets listed in the supporting statement. The clerk would explain to Robson Rhodes that Council reviewed the insurance annually and had made the decision not to insure some items eg play equipment. VAT - recommended that Council should always seek advice when receiving donations on behalf of MCC as to whether VAT can be reclaimed. The Clerk to send copy of letter from Customs and Excise to Robson Rhodes. 532/01 6 Review of Debtors There were no debtors at 30/09/01 533/01 7 Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals The budget figures and year to date actuals were reviewed. It was suggested that the Youth Centre has its own account - Youth Committee to discuss. 534/01 8 Review of Bank Accounts (501/01) RTS and the clerk had investigated various accounts. Lloyds Treasurers Account allowed 25 debits per month free and £2 per cheque thereafter - all credits free. It was AGREED to close the current account and open a Lloyds Treasurers Account subject to confirmation of its terms and conditions in writing. RLEW would investigate Barclays Bank accounts. The meeting ended at 8.00pm.