Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Wednesday 17 January 01 in Milton Community Centre at 7.30pm Present: RT Summerfield (chair) JE Coston HM Smith RLE Waters TJ Siggs The clerk 1 Apologies for absence PK Oldham 35/01 2 Minutes of the meeting of 30 October 2000 were confirmed and signed as a true record. Matters arising 36/01 Impact Software - the Council had decided not to purchase the software (min 575/00 refers). 37/01 Bus Shelter - cost £674.20 + VAT works to be done end of January. (502/00) 38/01 3 Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements The chairman reconciled the bank statements as at 31/12/00. 39/01 4 Review of Debtors Debtors at 31/12/00 - VAT recoverable £2733.44 - Allotment rent £11.25 - the chairman instructed the clerk to write to the allotment tenant. 40/01 5 Review of Insurances AGREED to reduce level of Fidelity Guarantee from £280,000 to £240,000. Youth building now covered at £15,000 + £5,000 contents - additional premium for rest of year £17.89. Hawthorn Hedge seat removed from schedule. 41/01 6 Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals The budget figures and year to date actuals were reviewed. Expenditure (498/00) Two items were queried at previous meeting: - £1120 - recreation grounds - drainage work (taken from AWA compensation) - £115 - play areas - repairs to Hawthorn Hedge play area (not MCC). 42/01 7 2000/01 Projected Expenditure Forecast expenditure to 31 March 01 amounted to approximately £80,000. 43/01 8 New Projects No new projects were planned. 44/01 9 Free Resource Level of forecast expenditure to 31 March 01 left a balance of approximately £3800 S137 money'. It was suggested that the Community Care Committee should consider the future funding of the scheme. 45/01 10 Expenditure Review 2001/02 Noted that income from interest calculated at £7,500 (£10,000 budgeted in present year). AGREED the following: - Recommended that the chairman's allowance be increased from £100 to £150. - A contingency of £1000 to be included. - Nothing to be included for capital schemes. - The £40,000 balance from sheltered housing money to be set aside for land purchase. - As there had been no grant request from MCC £20,000 to be included as previously. - Cost of repairing village sign and map to be included - £1,000. - There was discussion about updating computer and software and purchasing a digital camera. Noted that there was money in the present budget already for a CD Writer and camera. It was AGREED to look at computer update in 2002/03. - £9,600 to be included for the youth centre. (Noted that the 2000/01 youth budget would be underspent by approximately £3,000). The £9,600 would cover two evenings per week drop-in and two youth clubs per week for 39 weeks. IVC would be able to put this into the Patch Plan and tender to 'run' the youth centre as from September. IVC costs were higher than those envisaged by the youth committee in minute 39/00. Total expenditure forecast for 2001/02 £79,680 Total income forecast for 2001/02 £9,880 Shortfall £69,800 Less youth underspent 2000/01 £3,000 Total required 2001/02 £66,800 46/01 11 Precept 2001/02 AGREED to recommend that Council precept for £67,000.