Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting
       held on Monday 30 October 2000 in Milton Community Centre at 7.00pm

Present:   RT Summerfield (chair)   PK Oldham    RLE Waters   The clerk

       1   Apologies for absence JE Coston    RJ Farrington    HM Smith

494/00 2   Minutes of the meeting of 24 July 2000 were confirmed and signed as
           a true record.

       3   Matter arising
495/00     Audit - a letter from the auditor Robson Rhodes explained the
(358/00)   reasoning behind their recommendations. It was agreed to accept the
           recommendations. The clerk and RTS would  put them into practice at
           the end of the financial year.

496/00 4   Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements
           The chairman reconciled the bank statements as at 31/09/00.

497/00 5   Review of Debtors
           Debtors at 31/09/00
            - VAT recoverable £4446.83
            - Allotment rent £11.25
            - Cemetery Fee £40 - since received.

498/00 6   Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals
           The budget figures and year to date actuals were reviewed.
            - Suggested that the capital expenditure be itemised separately in
              future as this was not included in the preparation of the budget.
            - Two items were queried:
               - £1120 - recreation grounds
               - £115 - play areas
              The clerk to check these and report back.

       7   Any Other Business
499/00     MCC Grant - Committee recommended that, upon receipt of the grant
           from Wren towards the teenage play equipment, Council should
           increase the MCC grant by £10,000 and thus pay the play equipment
           bills through the MCC grant.

500/00     Accounts Software - the clerk had ordered an accounts package
           "Impact", aimed specifically at Parish Councils, for a two weeks
           trial period. Cost of purchase £195. Software for allotments,
           cemetery and planning were also available.

501/00     Investments - it was agreed to transfer £60,000 from the Fixed
           Deposit to Lloyds bank in readiness for purchase of land and youth
           provision [building costs and play equipment]. Balance of £40,000
           to be invested in the money market.

502/00     Bus Shelter - RLEW had met with Ringways who had agreed to lay the
           tarmac and erect the shelter. Agreed that RLEW and the clerk
           arrange for Queensbury to fit with new polycarbonate - cost to be
           met by Council. [Min 465/00 Highways refers].