Minutes of the Finance Meeting
held on Monday 26 July 1999 at 8:45pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RT Summerfield (chair)   RJ Farrington   PK Oldham
           RLE Waters and the clerk.

       1   Apologies for absence JE Coston

360/99 2   Election of chairman
           AGREED that RTS be elected chairman for 1999/2000.

361/99 3   Minutes of the meeting of 20 April 1999 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Matters Arising
362/99     MCC Rates
(170/99)   Noted that RTS had reported to May Council meeting (min 225/99)

363/99 5   Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements
           Those bank statements available were reconciled by the chairman.
           (Books were with the auditor).

364/99 6   Debtors
           There were four debtors at 30/06/99:
            Customs & Excise - Vat reclaim
            County Council - agency  (both since received)
            and interest accrued on two accounts as at 31/03/99.
           The RFO had omitted to accrue these as at 30/06/99.

365/99 7   Review of Budget and Year to Date Actuals
           The budget was reviewed.

366/99 8   SCDC Best Value
           Responses to the SCDC questionnaire on best value and aims and
           objectives for the future were made.
           Noted that this was the first part of a consultation exercise
           being conducted by SCDC in response to government directives.

367/99 9   Bills for payment
           AGREED to pay cheques 1584 to 1596 (to be confirmed at September
           meeting). PKO abstained.

The meeting ended at 9.35pm.