Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting
       held on Friday 8 May 1998 in Milton Community Centre at 7.00pm

Present:   RT Summerfield (chair)  JE Coston HM Smith
           RLE Waters and the clerk.

       1.  Apologies for absence  J Sandford

204/98 2.  Minutes of the meeting of 12 January 1998 already
           confirmed and signed at Council meeting February 1998.

       3.  Matters Arising

205/98 4.  Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements
           The Accounts to be reconciled by the chairman at meeting
           of 11 May 1998.

206/98 5.  Debtors
           There were four debtors at 31/03/98 one of which
           'Premier Account Interest' was yet to be cleared.

207/98 6.  Review of Budget 1997/98
           Noted that Council budgeted £6300 for lighting and 
           ducting at Coles Road car park but actually spent £8426.
           £3000 for the Millennium and £500 for office equipment 
           was carried forward.
           Committee was disappointed that only £450 was spent on 
           youth provision although £1500 was budgeted. It was proposed 
           that the Youth Committee meet with A Allen and Bus Project 

208/98 7.  Section 137 - Free Resource
           Noted that Council's spending for 1997/98 was well within 
           the limit.

209/98 8.  Cornhill Insurance Control Requirements
(180/98)   Agreed to seek clarification from Cornhill about their 
           requirements for written references for employees; also 
           whether the controls referred to the clerk/RFO only.
           Noted that security checks should be built into all 
           computer functions. Clerk to action.

210/98 9.  Contracts: Standing Orders
           Agreed to recommend that the following should apply:
           (i)   The clerk be allowed to spend up to £50 without 
                 prior approval of Council.
           (ii)  For expenditure of between £50 and £250 the chairman 
                 of the spending committee together with the clerk 
                 to have executive power.
           (iii) Prior approval of Council needed to authorise 
                 expenditure of between £250 and £2000.
           (iv)  For contracts where the expenditure exceeds £2000 
                 the clerk to invite tenders from at least three firms.
           Advice to be sought from J Walker CALC.

211/98 10. Dates of Future Meetings
           The meetings in July and October were re-arranged for 
           Wednesday July 8th at 7.30pm and Monday October 19th 
           following the Planning Committee meeting.

 The meeting ended at 8.50pm.