Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 15 January 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   JE Coston    R Day
           M Ellwood   B Jefferson   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson
           TJ Siggs   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels
           C Bowdler from Go-East
           M Mason Histon Parish Council
           J Hockney Landbeach Parish Council

       1   Apologies for absence   none

34/01  2   A14 Multi-Modal Study Strategies - Council's response
(10/01)    The chairman opened the meeting by explaining that the purpose of
           this meeting was to formulate Council's official response to the
           A14 Strategies proposed by the consultants to Go-East.  He thanked
           JEC for arranging the public meeting held on 12 January.

           The public meeting highlighted four main issues:
           - Overwhelming majority against Strategy 3 - 184 written replies
             against out of a total of 207 responses.
           - Use should be made of the St Ives railway line.
           - No new roads should be built through the countryside.
           - A10/A14 interchange, rat run through and difficulties of getting
             out of Milton by car.

           Council's role was to look after the interests of Milton.

           RLEW felt it important to make Go-East aware of the problems already
           existing in Milton including noise pollution.

           The strategies needed to address the problems of the number of
           accidents on the A14.

           Council discussed fully each strategy in turn. It was AGREED
           unanimously (unless stated otherwise) to make the following formal

           STRATEGY 1
           - Council agreed that this strategy did not satisfy the problems on
             its own but was disappointed at the lack of imagination shown in
             the consultation documents.

           STRATEGY 2
           - Council reluctantly supported the widening of the A14 to three
             lanes between Girton and Milton together with Traffic Management
             (eg 50mph speed limits).

           - Council was opposed to any widening of the A14 between the Milton
             A10/A14 interchange and Fen Ditton. Reason: noise pollution and
             the impact on the Country Park. Carried by 11 votes, 1 against
             and 2 abstentions.

           - Any alteration to the road east of the A10/A14 interchange would
             require a sound barrier for Milton.

           - The A10/A14 interchange required drastic modification to allow
             traffic to flow freely on to the slip roads, without backing up
             to the A14 and to reduce the queues on the A10 and the inability
             to move out of the village.

           - The Science Park was another major problem which required a
             solution to assist traffic which had difficulty accessing and
             leaving the site. There was one entrance only. A solution would
             be to have another junction for the Science Park on to the A14.

           STRATEGY 3
           - Council rejected Strategy 3 since it would
             - destroy green fields
             - pass in close proximity to Milton cemetery
             - cut through Milton allotments
             - have to pass at a high level across land to the north east of
               Milton in order to cross the proposed rowing lake, railway and
               river ensuring a high level of pollution through noise, air,
               light and greenhouse gases
             - cut across an area of Best Landscape east of the village
             - ensure that Milton is surrounded on all sides by major roads and
             - totally destroy the Country Park, the only country park in the

           STRATEGY 4
           The comments made about Strategy 2 were relevant also to Strategy 4.

           - Milton Parish Council felt that both Strategy 2 and 4 failed to
             move through traffic away from the A14 corridor (60% of traffic
             on A14 being through traffic) and that the real solution was a
             road much further north, running north of Huntingdon, St Ives and
             close to Ely before returning to the A14 further east.

           General Comments
           - Any proposals for new roads should include facilities for
             cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians. Links between villages
             must be maintained and local routes not cut off.

           - Council supported the concept of a Park and Ride site north of
             Milton. (A site close to the A10 but outside the parish boundary
             was suggested).

           - Council confirmed its support for the St Ives railway line to be
             used for public transport in the form of a light rail, guided bus
             or bus system along the St Ives railway line corridor (but not
             heavy rail). Carried 13 votes in favour 1 abstention.

           - Council expressed disappointment
             - that it did not receive early notification of these proposals or
             - have the opportunity to attend an exhibition
             - that it was necessary for JEC to have to organise a public
               meeting and
             - that the official leaflets were not distributed throughout the

           - Urgent consideration should be given to the ideas listed in the
             Strategies to improve safety, particularly speed control on the
             A14 and village traffic calming.

The meeting ended at 9.35pm.