Minutes of the Cemetery Committee Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held in the Community Centre on Monday 22 January 01 at 7.30pm

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   R Day   M Ellwood    B Jefferson
           RLE Waters (part)
           BC Waterson  (representing All Saints' Church)
           the clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence    None

47/01  2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2000 were approved
           and signed as a true record.

48/01      Sycamore Trees
(473/00)   Town & Country Tree Surgery had the work planned. The clerk would
           monitor as large branches were now being shed.

49/01  3   Spoil
           In view of the recent collapse of two graves the policy of removing
           all spoil from the site was discussed.
           As the collapse was a rare occurrence and spoil would look unsightly
           it was AGREED to continue to ask undertakers to remove spoil from
           the cemetery.

50/01  4   Review of Fees
           There had been no increase in fees since 1990.
           AGREED to recommend that fees be increased as from February 01 to:

            Interment of an adult  £150
            Interment of a child up to 7years  £15
            Interment of a child from 8 years to 18 years  £75
            Interment of ashes (£45) and tablet (£30)  £75
            Headstone not exceeding 76cms x 46cms  £60
            Headstone for a child up to 7 years  £10
            Headstone for a child from 8 years to 18 years  £30
            Inscription on any monument added on a later occasion  £15

            All fees to be double for non residents.

            Note: At clerk's discretion the double fee may be waived for people
                  previously resident in the village.

            Purchase of exclusive rights of burial includes the fee for

            Ashes. Ashes to be buried in a straight line starting along the
            western side of the hedge that divides the old from the new with
            30 centimetres between rows. Tablets 45cms by 30cms and dark
            granite to be erected horizontally. Inscriptions to follow the
            style recommended by the Church Commissioners.

           The meeting ended at 8.10pm.