Minutes of the Cemetery Committee Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held in the Community Centre on Monday 16 October 2000 at 7.30pm

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   R Day   M Ellwood   B Jefferson
           RLE Waters   BC Waterson  (representing All Saints' Church)
           HM Smith   LC Twinn
           the clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence  None

471/00 2   Chairman
           PKO was elected chairman.

       3   Minutes
472/00     The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2000 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

473/00 4   Sycamore Trees
           The sycamore trees at the entrance to the cemetery were showing
           signs of dying. J Hellingsworth, SCDC Trees Officer was not able
           to pinpoint the reason.
           He had suggested that the trees be pollarded.
           AGREED to ask Town & Country Tree Surgery to quote for pollarding
           three of the trees (PKO to meet the company on site); and to ask the
           Charities to part fund the cost.

474/00 5   Path
           The clerk would write thanking Cambridge Paviors for their
           excellent work.

The meeting ended at 7.45pm.