Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Care Working Group
       held on Thursday 19 September  2002 at 11am at Edmund House 

Present:   R Day   M Ellwood   IF May   LC Twinn
           SJ Daniels  - Clerk to the Council 
           A Ellwood - Warden

       1   Apologies for absence  -  T Ebbon

399/02 2   Minutes - ME signed the minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 02.

400/02 3   Warden's Contract
           to recommend that the warden's holiday entitlement be increased to
           25 days per year after 5 years service as per Local Government

401/02 4   Telephone
           AE would try out a system where all calls are charged at 10 pence
           per call - MPC to pay the bill.

402/02 5   Update
           AE expected to be off sick for a while before Christmas following an
           T Ebbon would cover.
(196/02)   Barnabas Court -  SCDC's answer to the following questions:
           - Do applicants apply to SCDC? - Yes.
           - What are the criteria for admission? - Local (village) connection.
             Other (normal) SCDC criteria apply. 
           - How do applicants know how many points they have and where they are
             on the list? - Each applicant is advised by letter of the award of
             points. To find their position applicants should contact SCDC by
(197/02)   Funding - the clerk would pursue the application for funding from
           SCDC (copy to Councillor Summerfield).
           Action:   the clerk

403/02 6   Community Care Network
           AE attended a meeting of the recently formed South Cambs Community
           Care Network (SCCCN).  
           The SCCCN's aims were to:
           - Pay for training
           - Promote good ideas
           - Find funding.
           AE was disappointed that Milton was the only parish not to send a
           representative from the managing committee.  RD had offered to attend
           although he felt his attendance was not necessary. AE's report
           confirmed that members would not have gained any useful feedback
           from the meeting. In her opinion the Milton scheme appeared to be the
           only one to be run professionally.
           The meeting included discussions on training and insurance.
           ME, IFM and LCT offered to attend the next meeting.
           All agreed that AE should be proud of the scheme in Milton and her
           part in it.
           IFM was happy to help in any training if needed.
           The clerk would ask SCCCN where their funding comes from.
           Action:  the clerk 

404/02 7   Other Business
           Insurance - AE organised the giving out of pills for 3-4 clients.
           There was concern about the insurance implications. IFM proposed
           that AE ask Tesco to make up the weekly pill boxes for those clients
           that had no immediate family to help. 
           Christmas Lunch - it was AGREED
           that the Community Care budget should meet the expenses of the 
           Christmas lunch organised by AE.
           Chairman - IFM was strongly recommended to be chairman of the CCWG.
           Next Meeting - Thursday 12 December at 11.00am at Edmund House.

The meeting ended at 12.10pm.