Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
       held on Wednesday 26 April 2000 at 8pm in the Community Centre Annexe

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   DJ Lee   P Mynott   PK Oldham    GM Richardson
           HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           PC Shulver (for part) the clerk SJ Daniels and 13 residents.

1   Introduction
    The chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for showing an interest.
    Thanks to the clerk for his hard work, also to all the councillors for the
    amount of time and effort that they had put in over the year - "experts in
    different fields".
    The chairman welcomed PC Shulver.  PC Shulver's duties covered 6 villages
    including Milton.  The most common crimes in Milton were burglaries,  theft
    of and from and damage to vehicles.   The chairman thanked PC Shulver for
    his continuing interest in the village.

    The Parish Councillors introduced themselves to the meeting.

2   Apologies for Absence
    A Lakhani   IF May   M Busby   M Gray and J Gray   J Sandford.

3   Minutes
    The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 26 April 1999 were
    confirmed and signed as a true record.

4   Draft Accounts 1999/2000
    Expenditure exceeded income by almost £17,000 due mainly to capital
    spending on play areas at The Sycamores Recreation Ground.
    £80,000 was set aside for land acquisition and £20,000 for youth projects.
    After allowing for expenditure on millennium projects and improvements to
    The Sycamores Council had approximately £25,000 in its general balance.

5   Charities Report
    There had not been much money spent during the year. Alarm systems for the
    elderly were available.

6   County Councillor's Report
    JEC represented Waterbeach, Landbeach and Chittering as well as Milton.
    She served on many committees, supported the millennium wood at Waterbeach
    and was monitoring the rowing lake and proposed development at Waterbeach.
    She was a member of the Fire Authority which was coping with all the new
    European directives as well as providing a high service, although one of
    the lowest funded authorities in the country. 
    A10 - she was working with the Highways Authority for improvements to the
    A10, especially the junctions, which after de-trunking would become the
    responsibility of the County Council.  Some improvements had been made but
    the junction at Chittering still caused great concern.
    Cycleways - it was hoped that funding for cycleways to Ely would be
    available from the Research Park.  Thanks to all who had supported the
    cycle bridge over the A14.

    JEC thanked RTS and the Council for their support.  Her aim was to work for
    the benefit of all "her" villages.

7   District Councillor's Report
    Finance - SCDC had maintained the level of Council Tax at £50 for a Band D
    house for the second year and aimed to do so again for a third year.
    Increases in Council Tax resulted from the Police levy, County and Parish
    Councils.  It was the District Council's responsibility to collect the tax.
    Planning - the Draft Regional Planning Guidance had set out a specific
    order of priority for development in the Cambridge Sub-region:
    1  Within the built-up area of Cambridge
    2  Outskirts of Cambridge (subject to review of Green Belt)
    3  A new settlement, probably Oakington or Waterbeach
    4  Market Towns and larger villages with good public transport to

    SCDC and the Parish Council would submit their views and endeavour to
    maintain the character of the village(s).
    Recycling - As a result of  Government targets SCDC were piloting a trial
    kerbside collection scheme of newspapers, textiles and cans.  If successful
    then a collection service for the whole of South Cambs would be in
    operation within 12 months.
    Cycle Route - there had been 3 objections to the scheme.  If these could be
    resolved then work would begin in late summer.
    Sheltered Housing - residents would be moving in shortly.
    Science Park -
    - RTS had persuaded the planning committee of SCDC to approve a day nursery
      for the children of employees of the Science Park.
    - Two zebra crossings were planned for the Science Park.  With the help of
      JEC and the chairman he had persuaded the City Council (who were building
      the crossings) to relocate one to a more appropriate position.
    - The sequencing of the traffic lights into the Science Park were being
      looked at to try to reduce the morning gridlock of traffic. 
    Modernising Local Government - Central Government's agenda for modernising
    local government had two main strands:
    - Best Value - this replaces competitive compulsory tendering. The District
      Council must review all its service over the next 5 years.  SCDC had just
      published its Best Value Performance Plan.
    - Political Management Structures - consultation would take place during
      next 12 months as to whether South Cambs should have a mayor and/or
      5% of the voters could demand a referendum on the issue.
    District Councillor Review - a review would soon take place to decide
    whether Milton should have a second District Councillor. He was not aware
    of any proposed boundary changes.

    RTS thanked the Parish Council, its chairman and the County Councillor for
    their support.

8   Chairman's Report
    Crime - PC Shulver needed the support of the residents to help reduce the
    level of crime.  One way of helping is through a Neighbourhood Watch
    Milton Parish Council was proactive and had provided basketball and
    multi-use courts for the older teenage youth.  Other "teenage" projects
    were also planned.
    Community Centre and Recreation Grounds - thanks to RJF, chairman of MCC,
    all the committee volunteers including L Sandford, who was overseeing
    building maintenance and J Gray and the staff for their hard work in making
    the Centre such a success.
    Dogs - dog owners who disregard the bye-laws caused concern.  There was a
    maximum fine of £1,000 for owners who did not obey the law which applied to
    all open spaces in the village.

9   Question and Answer Session
    Low Cost Housing - it was suggested that the Parish Council should have a
    policy of trying to pursue low cost housing.  MPC were aware of the need
    and argued for low cost housing at the time that the "Farm College" applied
    for residential housing in 1999.
    Railway Station - JEC felt that a station at Milton was highly unlikely in
    view of the railways companies' policy of reducing the number of stops in
    order to speed up longer distance travel.
    Sycamores Recreation Ground Boundary - concern was expressed that
    unofficial use of a gap through a boundary fence was being made via
    private properties on The Sycamores.
    Proposed Youth Building - a business plan identifying the types of use for
    the building had been drawn up.  A more detailed one would be agreed during
    the next few months.  Council was waiting for planning permission.
    Old A10 (Ely Road) - Council would bear in mind the suggestion that the
    slip road off the A10 should be closed.  The highways authorities, however,
    opposed the closing of this road as cars turning left off the A10 would
    cause more hazards on the A10.
    Youth Parish Councils - the question was raised whether these councils
    worked.  Hardwick had such a council.
    Mere Way - should this be designated a monument by English Heritage?
    A14 Road Noise - concerns about the effect of road noise on the Country
    Park and the proposed rowing lake were expressed.

The meeting ended at 9.30pm.