Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 26 April 1999 at 8:00pm in the Community Centre Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington JE Coston IF May CF Nunn PK Oldham J Sandford J Shaw HM Smith SJ Snaith RT Summerfield LC Twinn the clerk SJ Daniels and 17 residents. Minute 185/99 1 Introduction The chairman welcomed everyone, including Nigel Howlett of Cambridge Housing Society, and thanked them for showing an interest. It was the end of the four year Parish Council cycle and six councillors had not stood for re-election: D Lee, C Nunn, J Sandford, J Shaw, J Snaith and Y Wakeling. On behalf of the village he thanked them for their service. Thanks also to the other nine - he had enjoyed working with them all and expressed his thanks for their support to him as chairman. One new councillor Mark Palmer had been elected. 2 Apologies for Absence R Day, M Gray and J Gray. 3 Minutes The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 27 April 1998 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4 Sheltered Housing Update - Nigel Howlett, Cambridge Housing Society Residents would be selected early Summer. 37 Milton residents aged 60+ were on SCDC housing list, 25 of them were interested in sheltered housing. Priority would be given to those at the top of the SCDC list. Management arrangements such as use of facilities for the Day Centre were still to be sorted. It was expected that most of the units would be rented but this had not yet been resolved. Thanks to N Howlett. 5 Accounts for 1998/99 The clerk presented the unaudited, draft accounts. Income was approximately #88000 and expenditure #75000. 6 Charities Report The Charities pay for maintenance and servicing of telephone lifelines. Donations were made towards the purchase of the war memorial land and to Edmund House for their garden maintenance scheme. 7 County Councillor's Report JEC attends about 32 different committees including a position on the Cambs and Peterborough Fire Authority and has good working relationship with the local police. Waterbeach Station Car Park The car park was opened during the year. It could possibly be expanded. Highways JEC had been working with the Highways Agency for improvements to the A10 and A14; was also working with the Cambridge Research Park to provide quality cycle links through to Milton. Foot/Cycle Bridge The current A14 cycle bridge campaign had been running for seven years. A feasibility study recommended a bridge 3.5m wide with ramps starting at Tesco roundabout. It was likely to be built in 2001 at a cost of #1.2 million. Development at Waterbeach 3000 car parking spaces were planned for the Research Park. The new town at Waterbeach Barracks would be the size of Newmarket with further potential for expansion. The proposal included widening part of the A10, a bus lane on the Mere Way and an addition to the interchange at Milton. The Waterbeach proposal was just one - other plans put forward for Oakington, Longstanton and the Newmarket area. Rowing Lake No real progress as far as the County Council was concerned. HMS and JEC attend the Rowing Trust meetings. JEC was pleased to work with the Parish Council and the District Councillor for the best for the village. It was suggested from the floor that Mere Way should be considered by English Heritage as an ancient monument. 8 District Councillor's Report Council Tax SCDC had levied a Council Tax (#50 per Band D house) for the first time in over six years as RTS had warned at the APM of 1998. Together with the County Council part this meant an increase of 18%. SCDC still subsidised it, however, and intended holding the level for two years. Future Growth The response of the examination in public for growth in the region was awaited. RTS was convinced that part of the Green Belt, possibly to the south and west of Cambridge, would be developed. Both he and JEC were working to protect Milton's interests. Cycleways After public exhibitions and consultation the Parish Council had approved a scheme for a dedicated cycleway through the village. Funding would be available for it to be built in 2000-2001. Housing There had been a 387 response to the recent housing needs survey (a high response). The results show a need for low cost, affordable housing. Perhaps there was scope for such housing at the proposed "Farm College" development. Entertainments Licence There was a large public response to the recent public houses applications. The Parish Council tried to be fair in its response. The Waggon & Horses and the White Horse were allowed two entertainments per month on Fridays and Saturdays, windows and doors to be kept closed - to be monitored by the Environmental Health Officer. The White Horse had laid a new quieter car parking surface with speed bumps. It was hoped that this measure would benefit residents nearby. The landlord had agreed to take down the "bouncy castle" but needed confirmation from the area manager. The tables in front of the public house did not need planning permission. A suggestion was made from the floor that "Highways" be consulted about the possible dangers. Milton Hall Part of a planning permission for car parking by PI Research included a new entrance off Ely Road. RTS intended asking the planning officers to press for completion. Refuse Collection Households received 90 bags per year. A new contract for waste collection would start in September. SCDC would continue with the 'bag' system. Evidence from the wheelie bin system showed that 30% more waste was delivered to landfill sites. SCDC hoped eventually to reduce the amount of waste for landfill by 90%. RTS thanked Milton Parish Council and the County Councillor for their support and also the electorate for returning him, albeit unopposed, as district councillor for another four years. 9 Millennium Report The Millennium Committee was co-ordinating events likely to occur during 2000 and making recommendations to MPC for funding. The committee was also formulating plans such as: millennium mug for all under 16 years; a 15 minute aerial fireworks display at midnight 31 December 1999; and would be asking for funds from MPC.. All Saints' Church would be distributing candles to be lit at midnight. A second meeting for all clubs was set for 8 June. The village magazine hoped to record all the events and produce a book at the end of 2000. There would be no event at the Community Centre on New Year's Eve. The path to the Country Park looked likely to go ahead - thanks to Julie Gray for her efforts. A Millennium picnic had been suggested. It was hoped that children could lay a brick in the Millennium Maze. 10 Chairman's Report Crime Since 1995 the number of reported crimes had gone down, one reason being that MPC actively tried to provide activities for young people. MPC was interested in promoting any idea that would reduce crime and supported Neighbourhood Watch schemes. Money to purchase signs for new schemes was available. One of the main crimes in the village involved theft of and from vehicles. Both Tesco and Dillons were included in the statistics for Cambridge Road and High Street. SCDC had an active programme for crime strategy. MPC fully supported the community beat officer and had helped purchase him a mobile phone. Milton Community Centre The two recreation grounds had been handed over to the management committee of MCC on a 125 year lease to manage all the facilities. A substantial grant from MPC was given each year. The MCC was a charity approved by the Charity Commissioners. IL Davis intended retiring as chairman at the AGM on 12 May. The committee consisted of hard working volunteers and provided enormous amount of recreation and leisure facilities for the village. A decision about proposed roller blading and basketball courts for informal use at The Sycamores would be made at the next MCC committee meeting. Bins New waste and dog bins had been installed throughout the village. Dog owners who contravene the dog bye-laws could be reported to the SCDC dog warden. 11 Question and Answer Session The following issues were raised: Fly tipping in Fen Road near the river. Use of footpaths by cyclists and the dangers of this practice. An article in the Village View was suggested. A10 accident blackspot. Report from the Highways Agency was due. The meeting ended at 9.20pm.