Report of the Site Meeting of Milton Parish Council Allotments Committee
held on Wednesday 23 June 1999 at 6.30pm

Present:   R Day   M Ellwood   PK Oldham
           Five allotments holders
           and the clerk  SJ Daniels

275/99     New Pump
           AGREED that the allotment holders would dig a hole in the hope of
           reaching water. In the event of failure it was suggested that
           Herald Contract Services or the gravedigger be employed to dig
           further with a mechanical digger.

           There would be additional costs for a pipe/sleeve.

           The clerk:  to ask Herald to weed spray un-let allotments.

The meeting ended at 7.00pm.

Report of the Site Meeting of Milton Parish Council Cemetery Committee
held on Wednesday 23 June 1999 at 7.00pm

Present:   R Day   M Ellwood   PK Oldham
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

276/99 1   Scattering of Ashes
           To be allowed on grave plots only.

       2   Burials
           Rows to be widened to include two extra burials per row
           (leaving a space between plots and proposed path - see below).

       3   Trees
           AGREED to recommend that Council accept Herald's quotation of
           £260 for tree surgery.

       4   Interment of Ashes
           To be in area set aside immediately beyond the hedge separating
           the old cemetery from the new.

       5   Pathway
           AGREED to ask for quotations for a pathway similar in style to
           those in Country Park - to be laid in 2000/01.

       6   Seat
           The clerk:  to order 8' wooden seat.

       7   Land Drains
           AGREED to wait for results of A Wyatt's and J Coston's

The meeting ended at 7.45pm.